25. The council may include in the agreement any provision to:(a) determine the field of application of the agreement;
(b) establish one or more bid depositories;
(c) regulate the internal management and administration of bid depositories;
(d) establish committees and authorize them to manage bid depositories and to ensure the application of the agreement, or assign to them any other duty in connection with tenders;
(e) regulate all matters relating to such committees, such as the number and appointment of members, their replacement, the salary or indemnity that they shall receive, the right of committees to engage employees, experts and advisers, their internal management and the management of bid depositories generally;
(f) fix the assessment payable by the tenderer whose tender has been accepted and the cost of the exhibits, documents or services furnished by the bid depository;
(g) regulate everything relating to the money arising from the carrying out of the agreement, such as the collection, safekeeping, deposit, use during the term of the agreement, and the division of the money at the end of the agreement, as well as the reserves necessary for the proper functioning of the bid depository;
(h) insure itself against the risks arising from the operation of the bid depository;
(i) decide, when the plans and specifications have been changed, the conditions and formalities of new tenders;
(j) regulate the clauses and formalities of tenders and the procedure to be followed in such matters;
(k) determine the duties of the depositary of tenders, his rights and obligations and the amount of his remuneration;
(l) make within the scope of the powers granted to the Corporation, any decision to further the achievement of the purposes of the agreement.