36.12. The Government may, by regulation,(1) for the purposes of subparagraph 3 of the first paragraph of section 36.2, determine the minimum average gross revenue per $100 of property assessment that a registered agricultural operation must produce to qualify for the payment of property taxes and compensations;
(2) for the purposes of subparagraphs 3 and 4 of the first paragraph of section 36.2, and on the conditions and for the period it determines, exempt an agricultural operation from having to produce the minimum gross revenue or the minimum average gross revenue per $100 of property assessment in order to qualify for the payment of property taxes and compensations;
(3) determine the content of an application for payment of property taxes and compensations and of the documents and information that must accompany it;
(4) prescribe the form to be used for the application for payment referred to in paragraph 3;
(5) determine the conditions to be met for the purposes of the first paragraph of section 36.7;
(6) determine the form of the document that a local municipality, or any other person or body it determines, must send to the Minister under section 36.7.1 and determine the information it must contain; and
(7) prescribe any other measure necessary for the purposes of this Act.