83. (1) The office of the returning officer shall remain open from eight hours until twenty-two hours from Monday to Saturday of the third week following that during which the annual enumeration has been made to receive applications for the entry and striking off of names and for corrections on the electoral list; if the board of revisors sits in a locality other than that where such office is situated, the returning officer, for the same hours and during the same period, must keep another office open, where such applications may likewise be filed, in the locality where the board sits. In such latter office the returning officer shall make available to the electors a duplicate or a certified copy of the electoral lists for the polling subdivisions of the locality for which such office is opened.When a revision is made during an election period, the offices mentioned in the first paragraph of subsection 1 shall remain open during the same hours from Monday to Saturday of the third week prior to that of the polling.
(2) In each electoral division which contains thirty or more urban polling subdivisions comprised in whole or in part within the same municipality of over twenty thousand souls at the last general census, there shall be opened, besides any office opened under subsection 1, to receive applications for the entry and striking off of names and for corrections of the electoral list, one additional office for each thirty or fraction of thirty additional polling subdivisions in such municipality. If the director general of elections considers that the number of offices open under this section is not sufficient, he may authorize the returning officer to open others. All such offices must be kept open from eight hours until twenty-two hours. Therein the returning officer must make available to the electors a duplicate or a certified copy of the electoral lists of the polling subdivisions situated near each of such offices.
(3) Such offices must be situated and allocated in such a way as to accommodate the electors as equally as possible.
(4) With the authorization of the director general of elections, the returning officer may appoint competent persons to keep such offices. Each person so appointed, before entering upon his duties, shall make oath, in the form prescribed by the director general of elections, well and faithfully to perform the duties of his office.