454. The enumeration of electors shall be done by taking account of the boundaries of the electoral districts existing at the time of the enumeration.
However, from the adoption of an act changing the boundaries of electoral districts for general elections following, the enumeration shall be made by taking into account the boundaries as changed. If a by-election is ordered, an enumeration of the electors during the election period must be done in the district where the election must be held by taking into account the boundaries of the district as they existed before the adoption of the act changing such boundaries.
Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections 1, 2 and 3 of section 147, where an act amending the Territorial Division Act comes into force following the dissolution of the Legislature, and no account can be taken of the amendments made by such act at the annual enumeration and revision, there shall be, firstly, a new division in conformity with the principles established by Division IV, and, secondly, a new enumeration and a new revision during the election period, in accordance with the new electoral districts, and the presentation of the candidates at such general elections shall not take place before the seventh week following that of the issue of the writs.
The provisions contained in the third paragraph of this section do not apply when an annual enumeration and revision have been held, in conformity with the amendments made to the Territorial Division Act, following a report made to the President of the Assemblée nationale by the Standing Commission on Reform of the Electoral Districts.
If a writ of election is issued before the first day of the period of the annual enumeration of 1975 ordering, under this act, the holding of any election, there shall be, during the election period, an enumeration and revision, and the presentation of the candidates shall not take place before the fifth week following that of the issue of the writ of election if the latter is issued before Friday, or if not, not before the sixth week.
1972, c. 6, s. 2; 1975, c. 8, s. 64, s. 65.