(2) The following shall not be deemed election expenses:(a) the publishing in a newspaper or other periodical of editorials, news, reports or letters to the editor, provided that they are published in the same manner and under the same rules as outside the election period, without payment, reward or promise of payment or reward, that the newspaper or other periodical is not established for the purposes of the election or with a view to the election and that the circulation and frequency of publication thereof do not differ from what obtains outside the election period;
(b) the transmission by a radio or television station of a broadcast of news or comment, provided that such broadcast be made in the same manner and under the same regulations as outside the election period, without payment, reward or promise of payment or of reward;
(c) the necessary cost of holding a convention in an electoral district for the selection of a candidate; such necessary cost must include the reasonable expenses of the candidates at such convention, the cost of renting a hall and the convening of delegates, but it cannot include any publicity and, excluding the expenses of candidates other than the candidate selected, shall not exceed the sum of one thousand dollars;
(d) the reasonable expenses incurred by a candidate or any other person, out of his own money, for his lodging and food during a journey for election purposes, if such expenses are not reimbursed to him;
(e) the transportation costs of a candidate, if not subject to reimbursement;
(f) the transportation costs of any person other than a candidate, paid out of his own money, if such costs are not reimbursed to him;
(g) the sum deposited with the nomination-paper;
(h) the reasonable expenses incurred for the publication of explanatory commentaries on this act and the instructions issued under its authority, provided that such commentaries are strictly objective and contain no publicity of such a nature as to favour or oppose a candidate or a party;
(i) the reasonable expenses usually incurred for the current operation of the permanent office of a recognized party on the island of Montréal and in the city of Québec, if the leader of such party, before the seventh day following the issue of the writs, has given written notice to the director general of elections of the existence of such office, of its exact address and of any change of address.
(j) interest accrued from the thirty-first day following the polling, on any loan lawfully granted to an official agent for election expense purposes in so far as they are not reimbursed.
For the purposes of paragraph i, the permanent office of a recognized party is the office where, in order to ensure dissemination of the political programme of such party and to coordinate the political activity of its members, employees of the party or of a body associated therewith work on a permanent basis outside the election period, for the attainment of its objects, and which the leader of the party has recognized for such purpose by a letter sent to the director general of elections before the seventh day following the issue of the writs.