313. (1) When a ballot-box has been destroyed or lost or for any other cause is not forthcoming at the time appointed for adding up the votes, or when the box contains no statement of the poll, the returning-officer shall note such fact and, if he knows it, the cause of the disappearance of the box or of the absence of the statement; he shall then obtain, from the deputy returning-officer concerned or any other person in possession thereof, the original or a copy of the lists and statements and certificates drawn up by the deputy returning-officer, and which indicate the number of votes given for each candidate, all attested under oath.
(2) If such lists or statements or any of them, or copies thereof, cannot be obtained, the returning-officer shall ascertain, by such evidence as he is able to obtain, the total number of votes given for each candidate at the polling-station whereof the box or statement is missing. For such purpose he may summon the deputy returning-officer and the poll-clerk of such polling-station, or any other person, to appear before him on a day and at an hour fixed by him, and order them to bring with them all necessary papers and documents. He shall inform the candidates in writing of the day and hour when such appearance shall take place and, on the day and at the hour fixed, he shall examine on oath the deputy returning-officer, the poll-clerk and any other person capable of giving him any information respecting the matter in question.