304. The following shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine of one hundred to five hundred dollars, and to an imprisonment of three months to one year and, on failure to pay the fine, to an additional imprisonment of one to six months:(a) Any person who makes a false statement to a returning-officer, an election-clerk or a person appointed under subsection 1 of section 285, for the purpose of obtaining from such election officer or person an attestation to vote at a special polling-station;
(b) Any person who fraudulently fabricates, forges or alters an attestation required to vote at a special polling-station;
(c) Any person who, not being the person named in an attestation issued under section 292, presents such attestation to a deputy returning-officer, at a special polling-station or an ordinary polling-station, for the purpose of obtaining a ballot;
(d) Any person who, with the intention of voting at a special polling-station, makes a false declaration to the deputy returning-officer of such polling-station;
(e) Any person who, after obtaining an attestation under section 292, votes at a polling-station other than a special polling-station, except upon presentation of such attestation;
(f) Any returning-officer, election-clerk or person appointed under subsection 1 of section 285 who delivers an attestation provided for in section 292 to a person who he knows is not entitled thereto;
(g) Any deputy returning-officer who allows a person to vote at a special polling-station who he knows is not entitled to vote there;
(h) Any deputy returning-officer who allows a person to vote at a special or ordinary polling-station whom he knows to have already voted at a special polling-station;
(i) Any deputy returning-officer who allows a person to vote at a special or ordinary polling-station whom he knows to have received an attestation to vote at a special polling-station, without requiring the production of such attestation;
(j) Any person who attempts to commit or participates in or is accessory to the commission of any of the offences mentioned in this section.