301. (1) Immediately after the close of the poll each evening the deputy returning-officer, in the presence of the poll-clerk and of any other person entitled to be present at the counting of the ballots and who is present in the polling-station, shall(a) count the spoiled ballots and place them in an envelope, marking on the envelope the words “Spoiled Ballots” and the number of such spoiled ballots, and seal it;
(b) count the number of electors whose names appear in the poll-book as having voted, and enter such number immediately below the name of the voter who voted last, thus: “The number of electors who voted in this special polling-station for the electoral district of on the 19 is ( stating the number in words)” and sign his name thereto;
(c) count the unused ballots, place them in an envelope and endorse on the envelope the words “Unused Ballots” and the number of such unused ballots and seal it;
(d) count the attestations received, place them in an envelope and endorse on the envelope the word “Attestations” and the number of such attestations and seal it;
(e) open the ballot-box, place the ballots which it contains in an envelope, but in such a manner as not to see or allow to be seen in favour of what candidates they are marked, and endorse on the envelope the word “Votes” and seal it.
(2) Any candidate or agent present in the polling-station, if he so desires, may place his signature upon the gummed paper bands used to seal the four envelopes.
(3) The deputy returning-officer shall then place these four envelopes and the poll-book in the ballot-box and lock and seal it in such a manner that it is impossible, without breaking the gummed paper bands, to open it or put anything in it or remove anything from it.
(4) Any candidate or agent present in the polling-station, if he so desires, may affix his signature on the gummed paper bands.