293. (1) The returning-officer or election-clerk shall enter on the duplicate or copy of or extract from the list to be used for the ordinary polling, opposite the name of the elector to whom the attestation was delivered pursuant to section 292, the words “Special Poll” and subscribe the initials of his Christian names and surname thereto.
(2) If such duplicate or copy of or extract from the electoral list has been delivered or sent to the deputy returning-officer for the ordinary poll, the returning-officer or election-clerk shall issue a duplicate of the attestation and forthwith deliver it or cause it to be delivered to such deputy returning-officer. The latter, upon receipt of such duplicate, shall enter on the duplicate or copy of or extract from the electoral list to be used for the ordinary polling, opposite the name of the elector to whom the attestation was delivered, the words “Special Poll”, and subscribe the initials of his Christian names and surname thereto.
(3) On the second day of the voting, immediately after the closing of the special polling-station or polling-stations, every returning-officer or election-clerk shall forward by registered or certified mail or by messenger, to each candidate, a complete list of the electors who have obtained attestations to vote at such polling-station or polling-stations.