263. The following shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine of one hundred dollars to five hundred dollars and to an imprisonment of one month to two years and, on failure to pay the fine, to an additional imprisonment of fifteen days to three months:(a) Every person mentioned in section 49 who votes or takes part in the elections, except election officers as to the performance of their duties;
(b) Every elector who votes more than once at the same election;
(c) Every deputy returning-officer who knowingly gives a ballot-paper contrary to the provisions of section 249 and every person who knowingly receives or uses for voting a ballot-paper given him by a deputy returning-officer in violation of the provisions of the same section;
(d) Every deputy returning-officer who gives a ballot-paper to a voter who has refused to take the oath in the form 52 or who, after taking such oath, has answered in the negative;
(e) Every deputy returning-officer who gives a ballot-paper to a voter who has refused to take the oath in the form 53 or who, after taking the oath, has not answered as required by subsection 1 of section 248;
(f) Every candidate, agent, elector or election officer who contravenes the provisions of subsection 3 of section 248;
(g) Every person who has in his possession or who uses for the purpose of voting or places in a ballot-box or hands to the deputy returning-officer to be placed therein a false ballot-paper which was not given him by the deputy returning-officer of the polling-station in which he has presented himself to vote;
(h) Every election officer or candidate’s agent who, in a polling-station, communicates with any other person present in the polling-station in a language other than French or English;
(i) Every person who attempts to commit any of the offences enumerated in this section, or who participates in or is accessory to the commission thereof.