257. (1) At the request of any voter who is unable to read or is incapacitated by blindness or other physical infirmity from voting in the manner prescribed by this act, the deputy returning-officer shall assist such voter to mark and deposit his ballot-paper in the manner directed by such voter, in the presence of the agents admitted to represent the candidates in the polling-station, and of no other person.
(2) The deputy returning-officer, however, shall require the voter making such request, before voting, to make oath in the form 56 of his inability to vote without such assistance.
(3) No ballot-paper shall be given to a voter who refuses to take the oath in the form 56 or who, having taken such oath, answers in the negative.
(4) Any voter who has attested on oath that he is unable to vote without assistance by reason of blindness, and who is accompanied by a relative or friend, may request that such relative or friend be authorized to accompany him into one of the polling-booths and to mark his ballot instead of the deputy returning-officer. If such relative or friend takes the oath in the form 57, the deputy returning-officer shall grant such request.