255. (1) The voter, after examining his ballot-paper, shall show it if so required by the deputy returning-officer, the poll-clerk or an agent admitted to represent a candidate, and shall then forthwith enter one of the polling-booths of the polling-station. He shall there mark his ballot-paper, making a cross with the black lead pencil to be found there, within one of the squares specially and exclusively reserved for voting; he shall then fold the ballot-paper so that the initials of the back and the number on the counterfoil can be seen without opening it, and shall return to the deputy returning-officer’s table.
(2) The voter, without unfolding the ballot-paper or parting with it, shall permit the deputy returning-officer to ascertain, by examining the initials and the number marked on the counterfoil, that it is the same ballot-paper that he furnished to him. The poll-clerk and each agent may also make such examination. Then the voter, in full view of those present, shall detach the counterfoil and hand it to the deputy returning-officer who shall destroy it, and the voter himself shall then place the ballot-paper in the ballot-box.
(3) If the ballot-paper is not the one that he furnished to the voter, the deputy returning-officer shall take it and cancel it, marking on it the word “null” with the initials of his surname and Christian names.