2. In this act, unless the context indicates a different meaning,(1) “electoral district” means any territorial division formed under the Territorial Division Act (chapter D-11) for the purposes of representation in the Assemblée nationale;
(2) “domicile” means the place where a person has his principal establishment; he retains it notwithstanding temporary absences.(a) Change of domicile takes place by actual residence in another place, coupled with the intention of the person to make it his principal abode. Proof of such intention results from the declarations of such person and from the circumstances. Any person who, for more than a year, has left his principal abode in Québec is presumed to have changed his domicile;
(b) When a person leaves his domicile to work in another locality where he resides and such locality is in an electoral district, he establishes his domicile in that locality; but if he is employed in the performance of work on behalf of Her Majesty in right of Québec or of Canada, he is not deemed to have established his domicile in such other locality unless he has resided there continuously for the ninety days preceding the first day of the annual enumeration or, when the enumeration takes place during the election period or during the second revision of the list, for ninety days prior to the date of issue of the writ of election;
(c) A person who is absent from his domicile to fill a temporary public office retains his domicile, unless he manifests a contrary intention;
(d) A woman not separated as to bed and board has no domicile other than that of her husband; if, however, there is a de facto separation with separate dwellings, her domicile, for the purposes of this act, is at the place where she resides;
(e) An elector who serves or works continously for another person with whom he resides has the same domicile as such person;
(f) A child who is absent from his father’s or his mother’s abode, with his or her consent, to attend a course of study or apprenticeship, retains his domicile with his father or mother, as the case may be; but at general elections, his residence may at his option be considered his domicile; he is deemed to have exercised this option if he has applied to be entered on the list of the polling-subdivision where he resides or has not applied to be struck from such list;
(g) A person on active service in the armed forces of Canada retains the domicile which he had at the time of his entry into the service, unless he has subsequently established another domicile;
(h) The mere fact that a person has changed his domicile after the entry of his name on the electoral list does not deprive him of his right to vote even if he did not apply, at the time of the second revision, for the entry of his name at his new domicile and the striking off of his name at his former domicile, unless he has established his domicile outside Québec;
(i) The fact of leaving one’s principal establishment, with the intention of returning to it, to live temporarily in another place, during any season of the year, does not involve the establishment of a domicile in such place;
(3) “election” means the election of a member to the Assemblée nationale;
(4) “list”, “electoral list”, “voters’ list” or “permanent list” means an electoral list prepared according to this act;
(5) “surname and Christian names”, for a married woman or a widow, mean, as she may choose, her surname and given names, her given names joined to the surname of her husband, her surname and Christian names joined to the surname of the husband or the surname and Christian names of the husband, followed by the designation “Mrs.” which, for her, dispenses with any mention of a profession or occupation;
(6) “election officer” means any returning-officer, election-clerk, enumerator, revisor, secretary of a board of revisors, deputy returning-officer or poll-clerk. An enumerator, however, is not an election officer except during the enumeration and the preparation of the electoral list;
(7) “polling-subdivision” or “subdivision” means a territorial division for which a separate electoral list must be made or in which a polling-station may be established;
(8) “urban polling-subdivision” means a polling-subdivision included in whole or in part in a municipality of over two thousand souls at the last general census or in any other municipality declared urban by the director general of elections on the recommendation of the returning-officer of the electoral district;
(9) “rural polling-subdivision” means any polling-subdivision not comprised in the definition of paragraph 8 or comprised in the municipality of the Côte-Nord-du-Golfe-Saint-Laurent; any polling-subdivision of the municipality of the Baie James is also a rural polling-subdivision if designated as such by the director general of elections;
(10) “agent” means a person who has a mandate to represent a candidate in a polling-station;
(11) “elector” means a person having the right to vote at an election in virtue of this act;
(12) “relative” means a husband, wife, father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, father-in-law or step-father, mother-in-law or step-mother, brother, sister, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, son, daughter, grandson, granddaughter, son-in-law or daughter-in-law or for the members of a community, the superior or his duly authorized delegate;
(13) “official agent” means the person contemplated in section 102 or 103 of the Act to govern the financing of political parties (chapter F-2);
(14) “canvasser” applies to any person who approaches electors to obtain their votes in favour of a candidate;
(15) “hotel” means any establishment having special appointments where meals and lodging are habitually to be had for payment;
(16) “lodging-house” means any establishment having special appointments where lodging is habitually to be had for payment but where meals are not provided;
(17) “person” includes any association of individuals whether incorporated or not;
(18) “association” means any association of individuals, incorporated or not;
(19) “candidate” means a person whose nomination-paper has been accepted by the returning-officer;
(20) “recognized party” means the party of the Prime Minister or of the leader of the official opposition, and a party which at the last general elections had ten official candidates or which at the current general election establishes that it will have ten official candidates;
(21) “holiday” means:(a) Sundays;
(b) 1 January;
(c) Good Friday;
(d) Easter Monday;
(e) 24 June, the National Holiday;
(f) 1 July, the anniversary of Confederation, or 2 July if 1 July is a Sunday;
(g) the first Monday of September, Labour Day;
(h) 25 December;
(i) the day fixed by proclamation of the Governor-General to celebrate the anniversary of the birthday of the Sovereign;
(j) any other day fixed by proclamation of the Gouvernement as a public holiday or as a day of thanksgiving;
(22) “general census” means the census taken by the Government of Canada;
(23) “community” means a group of persons living together and observing common rules under the direction of a superior;
(24) “annual enumeration” means any enumeration done in accordance with paragraph 1 of sections 59 and 109, for the preparation of permanent electoral lists;
(25) “copy” includes a photocopy;
(26) “annual revision” means any revision made in accordance with section 96 and subsection 1 of section 126, during the period of the annual enumeration;
(27) “official representative” means the person designated in accordance with section 34 of the Act to govern the financing of political parties (chapter F-2).