147. (1) At general elections or by-elections ordered between the first day of the annual enumeration period and Sunday of the second week following that of such enumeration, the nomination of candidates shall not take place before the fourth week following such week of the annual enumeration, if the writs are issued before Friday, or before the fifth week following such enumeration if issued later.
(2) At general elections or by-elections ordered before the annual enumeration period but regarding which the nomination of candidates falls during the period of the annual enumeration, such nomination shall not take place before the fourth week following that of the enumeration.
(3) At general elections or by-elections for which the writs are issued after the first week following that of the annual enumeration, the nomination of candidates shall not take place before the second week following that of the issue of writs, if issued before Friday, or before the third week, if issued later.
(4) At general elections or by-elections where a second revision must be made, the nomination of candidates shall not take place before the third week following that of the issue of the writs, if issued before Friday, or before the fourth week, if issued later.
(5) At by-elections where an enumeration and revision must be made during the election period, the nomination of candidates shall not take place before the fifth week following that of the issue of the writs, if issued before Friday, or before the sixth week, if issued later.
(6) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections 1 to 5 of this section, the nomination of candidates shall never take place before the fourteenth day following that of the issue of the election writs.
(7) At general elections, the date of the nomination of candidates must be the same for all the electoral districts.