134. (1) Any election officer who continues to perform his duties after having received notice of his suspension under subsection 4 of section 16, or of his dismissal under subsection 5 or subsection 6 of section 16 or subsection 1 of section 57, shall be guilty of an offence and liable, for each day that such offence continues, to a fine of $100 and costs and, on failure to pay the fine and costs, to an imprisonment of not less than fifteen nor more than thirty days.
(2) Any enumerator or revisor who, having been dismissed, refuses or neglects to deliver to the returning officer the election papers, forms, badge and written instructions obtained by him in the performance of his duties, shall be guilty of an offence and liable, for each day that such offence continues, to a fine of $100 and costs and, on failure to pay the fine and costs, to an imprisonment of not less than fifteen nor more than thirty days.