4. Every educational institution must adopt, after consulting the members of the university community, a policy pertaining exclusively to university academic freedom.
The policy must set out or provide for at least the following:(1) the establishment and composition of a committee that is representative of the institution’s community and composed of students, officers and personnel members, among others, and whose main functions are to oversee the implementation of the policy, examine complaints about university academic freedom and, if applicable, make recommendations concerning such complaints or about any other matter relating to university academic freedom;
(2) the operating rules of the committee referred to in subparagraph 1, including those concerning the procedures for processing complaints;
(3) the measures applicable in the event of a violation of the right to university academic freedom;
(4) the establishment of awareness-raising and information measures for the university community, including those that are intended to improve recognition and protection of university academic freedom; and
(5) the establishment of resources and instructional tools to ensure promotion of and due respect for university academic freedom, including an advisory service.
The policy must not have the effect of preventing ideas and topics that could offend from being broached during an activity that contributes to the university mission or of requiring that such an activity be preceded by a warning when it involves such content.
The institution must send its policy to the Minister within 15 days of its adoption and of any amendment made to it.
The policy must be published on the institution’s website.
2022, c. 212022, c. 21, s. 4.