81. It is forbidden to sell alcoholic beverages:(a) to any person who has not reached the age of eighteen years;
(b) to any interdicted person;
(c) to any keeper or inmate of a disorderly house;
(d) to any person convicted, during the two previous years, of drunkenness or of any offence caused by drunkenness;
(e) to any person who habitually drinks alcoholic beverages to excess, and to whom the Commission, after investigation, has decided to prohibit the sale of such beverages upon application by the husband, wife, father, mother, brother, sister, curator, employer or other person dependant upon or in charge of such person, or of the minister of religion or mayor of the place where the person addicted to drinking resides. Such prohibition shall last until removed by the Commission.
The vendor may clear himself and avoid conviction by establishing that he acted in good faith and did not know the person affected by the prohibition or, if he is accused of selling alcoholic beverages to a person under eighteen years of age, by establishing that he used reasonable diligence to ascertain the age of the person before selling him alcoholic beverages and had reasonable ground for believing that such person was of the required age.
No sale made to any of the persons mentioned in sub-paragraphs b, c, d and e of this section shall constitute an offence by the vendor unless the Commission has informed him, by registered or certified letter, that it is forbidden to sell to such person.
1971, c. 19, s. 85; 1975, c. 83, s. 84.