2. (1) A worker suffering from permanent disability resulting from silicosis or asbestosis medically established by diagnosis is entitled:(a) to a fixed indemnity established according to Schedule A, in proportion to the degree of permanent disability of the worker; and, if he ceases to be employed by reason of such permanent disability,
(b) to a complementary indemnity equivalent to 90% of his disposable net income.
If the permanent disability was established before 27 June 1975, the worker who ceases to be employed by reason of such disability is not entitled to the fixed indemnity.
(2) Every sum paid to the worker under a collective aggrement or under another act of Québec or Canada by reason of the cessation of the employment of such worker must be deducted from such complementary indemnity.The beneficiary of a complementary indemnity must, without delay, advise the Commission of any change in his situation rendering inaccurate the information he has furnished and having a bearing on the indemnity to be granted to him.