985.3. If, following an application made to the Minister of National Revenue in accordance with subsection 7 of section 149.1 of the Income Tax Act (R.S.C. 1985, c. 1 (5th Suppl.)), the Minister of National Revenue designates in writing, after 19 December 2006, a registered charity as a charity associated with one or more particular registered charities, the charities to which the designation applies are deemed to be associated charities from the date specified in the designation, until such time as the designation is revoked by the Minister of National Revenue.
Chapter V.2 of Title II of Book I applies in relation to an application granted by the Minister of National Revenue or a revocation made under subsection 7 of section 149.1 of the Income Tax Act or in relation to an application granted by the Minister before 20 December 2006 or a revocation made under this section before that date, and, to that end, sections 21.4.6 and 21.4.7 must apply, with the necessary modifications, as if a revocation made by the Minister of National Revenue had been made by the registered charities to which that revocation applies.
1978, c. 26, s. 192; 1995, c. 49, s. 236; 2001, c. 53, s. 213; 2009, c. 5, s. 406.