(b) in relation to each large investment project referred to in the first paragraph of the corporation or of a partnership of which the corporation is a member,i. a copy of the qualification certificate issued to the corporation or partnership in respect of the large investment project,
ii. a copy of the certificate issued for the corporation’s taxation year or the partnership’s fiscal period, as the case may be, in relation to the large investment project,
iii. where the large investment project is such a project of the partnership, a copy of each agreement referred to in section 737.18.17.20 in respect of the partnership’s fiscal period that ends in the taxation year or in a preceding taxation year, in relation to the project, unless it has already been filed,
iv. where the corporation or partnership acquired or sold all or substantially all of the activities arising from the carrying out of the large investment project, a copy of the agreement referred to in section 737.18.17.21 in respect of the transfer, unless it has already been filed, and
v. a copy of the independent auditor’s report that the corporation or partnership enclosed with the application for the first certificate relating to the large investment project.