80. The Conseil des assurances de dommages shall, in addition, determine, by by-law which shall be submitted to the Government for approval, the measures applicable to brokers who are members of the Association des courtiers d’assurances de la province de Québec or holders of an insurance agent’s or claims adjuster’s certificate issued by the Inspector General on 1 November 1989 or who were members of that association or holders of that certificate in the three years preceding that date. The intent of these measures is to preserve the rights of market intermediaries in damage insurance to carry on their activity.
Any person who, on 1 November 1989 has the title of claims adjuster and limits his activities to appraising the value of property may retain his title and continue to carry on that activity. He shall, in that case, be subject to the by-laws made in this respect by the Conseil des assurances de dommages.