44. A market intermediary may, in accordance with the terms and conditions determined by by-law of the councils or, as the case may be, by government regulation, share the commission paid to him with another market intermediary or a person holding a real estate broker’s certificate issued under the Real Estate Brokerage Act (chapter C-73.1).
Payment to a market intermediary of a commission for having referred a person to another market intermediary or a person holding a real estate broker’s certificate issued under the Real Estate Brokerage Act shall constitute the sharing of a commission.
The apportionment of the commission of a market intermediary carrying on his activity within a partnership or a legal person offering market intermediation services shall be made through the partnership or legal person.
The commission paid to a market intermediary for services rendered to a person may in no case be shared with that person.
1989, c. 48, s. 44; 1991, c. 37, s. 171.