119. The Authority may, for the purposes or in the course of an investigation, request the Tribunal(1) to order the person actually or potentially under investigation not to dispose of funds, securities or other property in the person’s possession;
(2) to order the person actually or potentially under investigation to refrain from withdrawing funds, securities or other property on deposit with or under the control or in the safekeeping of any other person;
(3) to order any other person not to dispose of funds, securities or other property referred to in paragraph 2 or funds, securities or other property acquired for unreasonable consideration from the person actually or potentially under investigation; or
(4) to order a person who is party to or has control over a contract to liquidate the contract and retain the proceeds of liquidation until the Financial Markets Administrative Tribunal, in writing, revokes the order or agrees to exclude a particular amount from its application, or until a court orders otherwise.