193.6. The school service centre must establish a commitment-to-student-success committee composed of not more than 18 members, as follows:(1) the school service centre’s director general or the person the director general designates;
(2) at least two members of a school’s teaching staff;
(3) at least one member of an adult education centre’s teaching staff;
(4) at least one member of a vocational training centre’s teaching staff;
(5) at least one non-teaching professional staff member;
(6) at least one support staff member;
(7) at least one principal of a school providing preschool education or elementary education;
(8) at least one principal of a school providing secondary education;
(9) at least one principal of a vocational training centre;
(10) at least one principal of an adult education centre;
(11) one member of the executive staff responsible for educational services; and
(12) one member from the education research sector.