I-13.2.1 - Act respecting the Institut québécois de réforme du droit

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Not in force
8. The Institute shall be composed of five to nine members apppointed by the Government on the recommendation of the Minister.
The majority of its members, including the chairman and the vice-chairman, shall be appointed on a full-time basis; the other members shall be apppointed on either a full-time or a part-time basis.
The full-time members shall be selected from among persons having received legal training or having a long-standing interest in law, and the part-time members from among persons of competence in the research areas of the Institute. Such persons shall be selected following consultation with interested circles.
The term of appointment of the full-time members shall not exceed five years, and that of the part-time members shall not exceed three years.
1992, c. 43, s. 8.