Not in force
205. In accordance with the by-laws of the institution, the council of physicians, dentists, pharmacists and midwives is responsible, with respect to the medical and professional services director, for(1) monitoring and assessing the quality, including the pertinence, of the medical, dental, pharmaceutical and midwifery acts performed within the institution;
(2) examining, prior to taking disciplinary measures, a complaint made against a physician, dentist, pharmacist or midwife to determine whether that professional has acted without having the qualifications required or has shown scientific incompetence or negligence;
(3) giving its opinion on the means to be taken to assess and maintain the competency of physicians, dentists, pharmacists and midwives who practise their profession within the institution and contributing otherwise to the assessment and maintenance of their competency; and
(4) assuming any other responsibility entrusted to it by the medical and professional services director.
In exercising its responsibilities, the council of physicians, dentists, pharmacists and midwives takes into account the necessity of providing adequate and efficient services to users, the institution’s organizational structure and the resources available to the institution.
2023, c. 342023, c. 34, s. 205.