F-6 - Act respecting municipal bribery and corruption

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16. The judge may, by a summons under his hand, require the attendance before him, at a place and time therein specified, of any person whose evidence may be material to the subject of inquiry, and may order any person to bring before him such books, papers, deeds and writings as appear necessary for arriving at the truth.
Every such person shall attend and answer all questions put to him by the judge touching the matter to be inquired into, and shall produce, before the judge, all books, papers, cheques, promissory notes, deeds and writings required of him, and in his custody or control, according to the tenor of the summons.
The judge may require the usual oath or affirmation from every person examined before him, and may administer the same.
R. S. 1964, c. 173, s. 16.