26. Every fabrique must be previously and specially authorized by the bishop of the diocese of the parish or chapelry to exercise, in respect of its own patrimony and that of the endowments, the following powers:(a) the power to acquire, lease or alienate immoveables;
(b) the power to make new constructions;
(c) the power to invest capital;
(d) the power to borrow money;
(e) the power to accept or refuse any liberality except gifts by delivery (dons manuels);
(f) the power to accept the foundations contemplated in section 23;
(g) the powers set out in paragraphs b, f, g, h, j, l, n, o, q, r, s and u of section 18;
(h) require the services of persons or bodies for subscription purposes;
(i) alienate moveable property having a historic or artistic interest or acquired by the fabrique more than fifty years previously.