551. The following persons are liable to a fine of $100 to $1 000 for a first offence and of $200 to $2 000 for every subsequent offence within five years:(1) every enumerator or revisor who, in preparing a list of electors, knowingly enters on the list a name which should not be entered;
(2) every enumerator or revisor who, in preparing a list of electors, knowingly omits a name which should be entered on the list;
(3) every person who makes an application to enter a name which he knows to be fictitious or to be that of a deceased person or of a person not qualified as an elector;
(4) every person who makes an application for the striking of the name of a person whom he knows to be qualified as an elector;
(5) every person who, knowing that his name is entered on more than one list of electors, or on any list of electors despite his knowledge that he is not qualified as an elector, does not take the necessary steps to have his name struck from any list on which it is wrongfully entered;
(6) every owner, administrator, superintendent or caretaker of a multiple-dwelling immovable who limits, restricts or does not facilitate the access of his immovable to an enumerator or to a person responsible for the distribution of the lists of electors;
(6.1) the executive director of an institution referred to in section 3 who limits, restricts or does not facilitate the access of a facility maintained by the institution to an enumerator or to a person responsible for the distribution of the lists of electors;
(7) every person appointed to act in a filing office who refuses or neglects to receive an application made to him or who refuses or neglects to transmit it to the returning officer;
(8) every revisor who refuses or neglects to examine an application submitted to him;
(9) every revisor who strikes the name of a person from the list of electors without causing the notice prescribed in section 215 to be sent to him;
(10) every person who, contrary to the provisions of this Act, discloses the list of electors or the information contained therein;
(11) every person who makes use of the list of electors for commercial or other profit-making ends.