80. The official representative of every authorized party must submit to the treasurer prepared in accordance with the guidelines the director general may issue in that regard, indicating:(a) the financial institutions where the contributions in money collected by the party are deposited and the account numbers used and the total value of the goods or services furnished or rendered gratuitously;
(b) the total sum of the anonymous donations collected at meetings or demonstrations contemplated in subparagraph b of the first paragraph of section 35, and the nature, place and date of the said meetings or demonstrations;
(c) the total sum of contributions of less than one hundred dollars received by the party and of the amounts collected pursuant to subparagraph e of the first paragraph of section 35;
(d) the total sum of amounts collected under subparagraph f of the first paragraph of section 35 as registration fees at a political convention, and the place and date of the said convention;
(e) the total sum of amounts collected under subparagraph g of the first paragraph of section 35 as entrance fees to an activity or demonstration of a political nature, and the nature, place and date of the activity or demonstration;
(f) the total sum of contributions of one hundred dollars or over received by the party;
(g) the name and full address of each elector who has paid a contribution of one hundred dollars or over to the party;
(h) where such is the case, the name and full address of each elector who became surety and the amount for which he became surety;
(i) the total sum of the amounts transferred to or by authorities of the party;
(j) the total sum of the amounts borrowed in accordance with subparagraph d of the first paragraph of section 35, the name and full address of the lender and the rate of interest charged;
(k) the total sum of the expenditures made by the party.