30. A criminal and penal prosecuting attorney who intends to engage in a political activity must inform the Director without delay. After consultation with the attorney concerned, the Director or a person so authorized in writing by the Director reclassifies the attorney to a class of positions in the public service for which the minimum conditions of eligibility are equivalent to those of the class to which the attorney belongs and for which the salary level is substantially equivalent. Reclassification must be effected as soon as possible, in time to enable the person reclassified to engage in the political activity. Upon reclassification, the person may engage in the political activity.
If the attorney fails to inform the Director, the Director reclassifies the attorney as soon as the Director becomes aware that the attorney has engaged in a political activity.
A reclassification may not entail a reduction in the regular salary or employment benefits to which the attorney was entitled prior to reclassification.