44.3. The regulation establishing the apprenticeship scheme may(1) determine the general requirements for admission to the apprenticeship;
(2) determine the general conditions to be fulfilled by and the qualities and skills required of journeymen;
(3) determine the general conditions governing employer participation, including the conditions to be adhered to where the employees of an employer or a group of such employees are represented by an association or union certified pursuant to an Act for that purpose;
(4) determine the general responsibilities of employers as regards training in relation to those of educational institutions;
(5) determine the terms and conditions under which the scheme is to be applied to a trade or profession;
(6) prescribe the use of an apprenticeship booklet, the content of which shall be determined by the Commission;
(7) determine the content of the contract of apprenticeship, including the obligations of the employer and the apprentice, and prescribe the form thereof;
(8) divide the duration of apprenticeship into periods;
(9) determine, for each apprenticeship period, but only for the in-plant portion, the wage rate of apprentices in relation to the wage paid by the employer to a qualified entry-level employee in the trade or profession concerned or, in the cases provided for in the regulation, in relation to the wage of any other employee;
(10) provide that the Commission may, by agreement with a recognized sector-based manpower committee or a parity committee, determine, for a specific sector of economic activity, special conditions governing employer participation and special terms and conditions under which the scheme is to be applied to a trade or profession;
(11) provide that a recognized sector-based manpower committee or a parity committee may, for its sector of economic activity and for each trade or profession, participate in defining the content of the apprenticeship booklet and a journeyman’s handbook, in determining the length of the apprenticeship and the apportionment of the training between educational institutions and enterprises, as well as in determining special conditions for admission to the apprenticeship and special conditions to be fulfilled to act as a journeyman;
(12) determine any other related or supplementary measure considered necessary to give effect to or facilitate the application of the scheme.