41. Any grant of the public domain in the Territory to persons other than the corporation, including the grant of any right under the acts governing mines, hydraulic resources, forests, fish, game, agriculture, colonization or tourism, shall be valid only if the authority making it has previously obtained the advice of the corporation on the expediency of making such grant.
The grant may be validly made if the corporation has not caused its advice to be forwarded within two months of the request for advice.
If the authority concerned refuses to make the grant following the unfavourable advice of the corporation, it shall, before making it to any other person for the same purposes, ascertain that the person to whom it had previously refused it no longer wishes to obtain it.
However, this advice is not required in the case of the grant of the public domain in the Territory to Hydro-Québec or to the Société d’énergie de la Baie James for the purposes of development of hydro-electric resources or of production, transmission or distribution of electricity.
1971, c. 34, s. 41; 1978, c. 41, s. 26.