3155. A decision rendered outside Québec is recognized and, where applicable, declared enforceable by the Québec authority, except in the following cases:(1) the authority of the State where the decision was rendered had no jurisdiction under the provisions of this Title;
(2) the decision, at the place where it was rendered, is subject to an ordinary remedy or is not final or enforceable;
(3) the decision was rendered in contravention of the fundamental principles of procedure;
(4) a dispute between the same parties, based on the same facts and having the same subject has given rise to a decision rendered in Québec, whether or not it has become final, is pending before a Québec authority, first seized of the dispute, or has been decided in a third State and the decision meets the conditions necessary for it to be recognized in Québec;
(5) the outcome of a foreign decision is manifestly inconsistent with public order as understood in international relations;
(6) the decision enforces obligations arising from the taxation laws of a foreign State.