276. Where the court examines an application for the institution of tutorship to a person of full age, it takes into consideration, in addition to the advice of the persons who may be called to form the tutorship council, the medical and psychosocial evidence, the wishes and preferences expressed by the person of full age, including those expressed in a protection mandate which has not been homologated, and the degree of autonomy of the person in whose respect the institution of tutorship is applied for.
The court shall give to the person of full age an opportunity to be heard, personally or through a representative where required by his state of health, on the merits of the application and, where applicable, on the nature, terms and conditions of the tutorship as well as on the person who will represent him.
1991, c. 64, a. 276; I.N. 2016-01-01 (NCCP); 2020, c. 112020, c. 11, s. 4011b.