C-8.2.1 - Act respecting emergency communication centres

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93. (Repealed).
2001, c. 76, s. 93; 2024, c. 18, s. 44.
93. While the state of emergency is in effect, notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, the Government, or any minister empowered to act upon the declaration of the state of emergency may, without delay and without formality, to protect human life, health or physical integrity,
(1)  order the implementation of the response measures provided for in the plan of the civil protection authorities, or those established by government departments or government bodies in accordance with section 60, and, where necessary, designate the person in charge;
(2)  order the closure of establishments in the territory concerned;
(3)  control access to or enforce special rules on or within roads or the territory concerned;
(4)  where there is no safe alternative, order the construction or demolition of any works, the displacement of any property or the removal of any vegetation in the territory concerned;
(5)  grant, for the time the Government considers necessary for the rapid and efficient conduct of emergency response operations, authorizations and exemptions provided for by law for an activity or an act that is required in the circumstances;
(6)  where there is no safe alternative, order the evacuation or confinement of the inhabitants of all or part of the territory concerned and, if they have no other resources, make arrangements for adequate shelter facilities, the provision of food and clothing and the maintenance of security;
(7)  order that power and water mains be shut off in all or part of the territory concerned;
(8)  require the assistance of any person capable of assisting the personnel deployed;
(9)  requisition the necessary rescue services and private or public shelter facilities;
(10)  requisition food, clothing and other essentials and ensure distribution to disaster victims;
(11)  ration essential goods and services and establish supply priorities;
(12)  have access to any premises for the carrying out of an order under this section, to the site that is threatened or affected by the event or to the location of an activity or property that involves a potential risk of aggravating the event, in order to make a full assessment of the effects of the event on the risk or, as regards the site that is threatened or affected by the event, to ascertain the causes, development and potential effects of the event;
(13)  make any expenditure or contract it considers necessary; and
(14)  decide to implement, in respect of the territory concerned, the financial assistance programs established under section 100.
Under such circumstances, the Government may make any other decision as is necessary.
The Government and its ministers may not be prosecuted for any act in good faith done in the exercise of such powers.
2001, c. 76, s. 93.