C-8.2.1 - Act respecting emergency communication centres

Full text
47. (Repealed).
2001, c. 76, s. 47; 2024, c. 18, s. 27.
47. While the state of emergency is in effect, notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, subject to any measure ordered under section 93, the municipality or any person empowered to act on its behalf upon the declaration of the state of emergency may, without delay and without formality, to protect human life, health or physical integrity,
(1)  control access to or enforce special rules on or within the roads or the territory concerned ;
(2)  grant authorizations or exemptions in areas under the jurisdiction of the municipality, for the time it considers necessary for the rapid and efficient conduct of emergency response operations ;
(3)  where there is no safe alternative, order the evacuation of the inhabitants of all or part of the territory concerned or, on the advice of public health authorities, order their confinement and, where no other resources are available, make arrangements for adequate shelter facilities, the provision of food and clothing and the maintenance of security ;
(4)  require the assistance of any citizen capable of assisting the personnel deployed ;
(5)  requisition rescue services and private shelter facilities within its territory other than the services and shelter facilities requisitioned for the implementation of an emergency preparedness plan adopted under this chapter or a civil protection plan adopted under Chapter VI ; and
(6)  make any expenditure or contract it considers necessary.
The municipality, the members of the council or a person empowered to act upon the declaration of the state of emergency may not be prosecuted for any act in good faith done in the exercise of such powers.
2001, c. 76, s. 47.