C-8.2.1 - Act respecting emergency communication centres

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17. Certified 9-1-1 emergency centres and the persons at their service are not liable for any injury that may result from an act performed or omitted during their interventions, unless the injury is due to an intentional or gross fault.
The same applies to secondary emergency communication centres that comply with the standards, specifications, quality criteria or guidelines applicable to them under this division.
2001, c. 76, s. 17; 2024, c. 18, s. 41.
17. All or part of the civil protection plan of a regional authority may be established jointly with other regional authorities, either to identify the major disaster risks to which their territories or the territories of local municipalities are exposed as well as the resources available, or to envisage an association of civil protection authorities.
2001, c. 76, s. 17.