C-8.2.1 - Act respecting emergency communication centres

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100. (Repealed).
2001, c. 76, s. 100; 2019, c. 1, s. 2; 2024, c. 18, s. 44.
100. The Government may establish the following general financial assistance or compensation programs and fix the applicable eligibility requirements, scales and terms and conditions of payment:
(1)  programs in respect of actual or imminent disasters or other events that compromise human safety;
(2)  programs in respect of particular unforeseen disaster risks for which prevention or emergency response planning measures for the protection of persons are required immediately, designed for the implementation of such measures by civil protection authorities, local municipalities, persons required to report a risk or the persons exposed to the risk; and
(3)  programs designed to provide compensation for the extra costs incurred during a state of emergency by civil protection authorities, local municipalities, community organizations or civil protection associations in the exercise of powers under section 47 or 93.
2001, c. 76, s. 100; 2019, c. 1, s. 2.
100. The Government may establish the following general financial assistance programs and fix the applicable eligibility requirements, scales and terms and conditions of payment:
(1)  programs in respect of actual or imminent disasters or other events that compromise human safety, designed to
(a)   provide compensation for the extra housing, food and clothing costs incurred by victims during the event or the recovery period;
(b)   provide compensation for the extra costs incurred by civil protection authorities, local municipalities, community organizations or civil protection associations in carrying out emergency response or recovery operations;
(c)   provide compensation for the costs incurred by volunteers whose assistance in emergency response or recovery operations was expressly accepted by the authority in charge;
(d)   provide for the repair of damage caused to a principal residence or to the essential belongings of its occupants;
(e)   provide for the repair of damage caused to any property essential to a business or to any property essential to the livelihood of a person or that person’s family;
(f)   provide for the repair of damage caused to any facilities of a non-profit organization that are useful to the community and readily accessible to the public, except facilities used exclusively for recreational purposes;
(g)   provide for the repair of damage caused to any property essential to a local or regional authority, an intermunicipal board or a civil protection authority;
(h)   provide for the repair of damage caused to vital installations, such as transport, telecommunications, power generation and distribution and water supply systems and systems used by police, fire safety or civil protection services or by government services responsible for public security and human health and welfare;
(2)  programs in respect of particular unforeseen disaster risks, designed to facilitate the immediate implementation of the required mitigation and emergency response planning measures by civil protection authorities, local municipalities, persons required to report a risk or the persons exposed to the risk; and
(3)  programs designed to provide compensation for the extra costs incurred during a state of emergency by civil protection authorities, local municipalities, community organizations or civil protection associations in the exercise of powers under section 47 or 93.
2001, c. 76, s. 100.