49. The board may delegate, in writing, to a racing judge the power(1) to issue, in the circumstances it fixes, the licences it determines and collect the duties therefor;
(2) to enforce the observance of the rules it determines, see to the protection and safety of the public and decide any matter or question relating thereto;
(3) to impose an administrative measure on and confiscate the security furnished by any person who refuses to comply with the rules referred to in paragraph 2 or with an order issued under the said paragraph in such cases and to such extent as it may determine, and collect the fines imposed;
(4) in the cases it determines, to remove, set back in the order of finish or disqualify a horse taking part in a race, cancel its entry in a race, or invalidate any offer to purchase a horse that has taken part in a race;
(5) to fix and collect the costs prescribed by the rules for the examination of any matter or question submitted to him.