10. The Centre must inform the Chair of the Conseil du trésor if a public body refuses or fails to use the Centre to obtain a good or service covered by an order made in accordance with section 9. It must also inform the minister responsible for such a body.
Where a minister responsible is so informed, the minister must inform the chief executive officer of the body in writing and may request that measures to rectify the situation be, within the time the minister specifies, prepared and submitted for the minister’s approval, with or without amendment. Where such measures are not complied with or implemented in a diligent manner, the minister may require the body to take corrective measures, conduct the appropriate follow-up and comply with any other penalty determined by the minister, including oversight and support measures. In such cases, all or part of the amount intended for such a body may be withheld or cancelled by the minister responsible.
2020, c. 22020, c. 2, s. 1.