370. The federation may adopt standards applicable to the credit unions, with respect to(1) the persons that a credit union may recruit as members, other than auxiliary members;
(1.1) for the purposes of section 200.1, the conditions under which a natural person may be admitted as a member by the board of directors after the person has ceased to meet the conditions relating to a common characteristic set out in the articles of the credit union in accordance with the second paragraph of section 10;
(1.2) the limits that apply to the number of credit union members who do not meet the conditions relating to a common characteristic;
(2) the cases in which a credit union may adopt a by-law under section 200;
(3) the matters regarding which the power to adopt by-laws may be delegated to the board of directors of a credit union;
(3.1) the minimum number or percentage of members required to requisition a special meeting of credit union members;
(4) any other administrative practice.