The board of audit and ethics shall, in particular,(1) ensure that the operations of the credit union are in compliance with the Acts, regulations, standards, orders and written instructions applicable to it, and see that the credit union complies with them;
(2) ensure that the credit union adheres to sound and prudent management practices;
(3) ensure that the rules adopted by the board of ethics of the federation or, where the credit union is not a member of a federation, by the board of audit and ethics, are observed;
(4) ensure that the internal affairs and activities of the credit union are inspected in accordance with the provisions of this Act;
(5) ensure that the admission of members and the suspension and expulsion of members are in compliance with the applicable legislative provisions and the by-laws of the credit union;
(6) ensure that the executive committee and the special committees of the credit union act in accordance with their powers and duties, and with the Acts, regulations, standards and rules of ethics applicable to them;
(7) recommend that the board of directors take any decision in order to implement, apply and periodically revise the policies and orientations of the credit union, and in particular any provision relating to the protection of the interests of the credit union and its members.