221. The annual meeting of a credit union shall be held within four months from the end of its fiscal year. The members shall be convened to(1) examine the annual report;
(2) examine the report on the activities of the board of supervision;
(3) decide upon the allocation of the annual surplus earnings;
(4) if the credit union is not a member of a federation, determine, where applicable, the additional interest payable on capital shares out of the stabilization reserve and the surplus earnings;
(4.1) decide on the payment of dividends from the reserve for future dividends and on the transfer of any sum from that reserve to the community development fund;
(5) elect the members of the board of directors and of the board of supervision;
(6) appoint an auditor, in the case of a credit union that is not a member of a federation;
(7) make any decision reserved for the general meeting by this Act;
(8) address oral questions to the members of the board of directors for a minimum period of time determined in the by-laws of the credit union;
(9) address oral questions to the members of the board of supervision concerning the report on its activities, for a minimum period of time determined in the by-laws of the credit union.