162. At the end of its fiscal year, the financial services cooperative shall prepare an annual report containing(1) the name of the cooperative and the address of its head office;
(2) the name of each of its officers;
(3) the number of its members;
(4) a statement of assets and liabilities, an operating statement, a statement of the reserve for future dividends, a statement of the stabilization reserve, a statement of the community development fund, a statement of the surplus earnings, a statement of the general reserve, a statement of the reserve referred to in section 87 and a statement of provisions to cover credit losses and investment losses, presented on a comparative basis with the corresponding statements for the immediately preceding fiscal year;
(5) a statement showing the total amount of credit extended to restricted parties;
(6) a statement showing the credit union’s participating interest in the investment fund of the federation referred to in section 414, where applicable, and the return on such interest;
(7) the auditor’s report referred to in section 151, if applicable;
(8) the report of any special committee formed at the request of the general meeting;
(9) the other statements and information required by by-law of the cooperative;
(10) any other information required by the Authority.