186. The Minister may order the dissolution of a cooperative if(1) the number of members becomes less than the minimum number referred to in section 7 or 223.1, as the case may be;
(2) the organization meeting is not held within 60 days of the date of constitution or within the time granted by the Minister, as the case may be;
(3) it fails to hold an annual meeting of its members within the prescribed time;
(4) it does not send him a copy of the annual report within the prescribed time;
(5) the liquidator does not send the report contemplated in section 184 to the Minister;
(6) in a fiscal year, the proportion of the business carried on by the cooperative with its members is less than that prescribed by the government regulations, and that proportion does not increase during the three fiscal years following that for which the cooperative receives the notice contemplated in section 188.