21.48.8. For the purposes of section 21.48.1, the Authority may, in order to verify whether an enterprise that does not hold an authorization to contract is party to a public contract or subcontract, require the enterprise to send to the Authority, within the time specified, a copy of any public contract or subcontract to which it is party, if applicable, or, if the enterprise is not party to such a contract or subcontract, to confirm that fact to the Authority in writing. That power may be exercised only if the Authority has reasonable grounds to suspect that the enterprise is party to a public contract or subcontract and does not meet the standards of integrity.
If a public subcontract is not evidenced in writing, the enterprise concerned by a request made under the first paragraph must send, in writing, the information determined by the Authority that is necessary for the purpose mentioned in that paragraph.
2022, c. 182022, c. 18, s. 431.