82. In addition to the other regulatory powers assigned to it by this act, the Government may make regulations(a) fixing types and categories of licences, for residents or Canadian or foreign non-residents, limiting the number of licences of each category and determining the conditions to be fulfilled by applicants for and holders of licences, the form, cost, tenor and term of such licences, the manner of replacing them in case of loss and the cost of such replacement, the obligations of trustees authorized to sell such licences and their fees, and indicating the obligations of a licence holder in case of a change of address;
(b) establishing the conditions with which a person must comply to hold a hunter’s certificate, determining its form, cost, tenor, and term, its replacement in case of loss and the cost of such replacement, and indicating the obligations of a certificate holder in case of a change of address;
(c) establishing the conditions with which any person other than a resident must comply or the documents he must exhibit to obtain licences for which a hunter’s certificate is required;
(d) determining the calibre of firearms, munitions, and the characteristics of the hunting implements which may be used for hunting the animals it indicates and prohibiting certain modes or methods of hunting;
(e) dividing Québec into hunting zones and determining, within each zone or part of a zone, the animals or classes of animals which may be hunted and the periods of the year or the parts of the day during which hunting for such animals or classes of animals is prohibited;
(f) authorizing the Minister to change the close season for hunting, in any hunting zone or part of a hunting zone indicated by it, and in respect of such animals or classes of animals as it indicates, where he considers it necessary in the interest of wildlife conservation, and permitting the capture during such a season of such animals or classes of animals as it indicates for scientific or educational purposes;
(g) determining the periods of the year during which a person may have in his possession such animals or classes of animals as are indicated therein, and fixing the quantity thereof;
(h) prohibiting the transportation, possession, propagation, repopulation and sale of fish or classes of fish or fish-eggs of such classes as it indicates, and prohibiting the sale of animals or of any class of animals it indicates:
(i) prescribing standards for the transportation, possession, propagation, repopulation and sale of animals or fish;
(j) fixing the maximum number of animals of such class as it indicates which may be killed by one person or a group of persons during any open season;
(k) determining classes of animals which may or may not be kept in captivity or which are harmful;
(l) determining the manner of disposing of firearms or any other hunting implements, animals, fish or objects confiscated under this act;
(m) determining the animals belonging to the class of big game, small game, fur-bearing animals or any other class;
(n) fixing the duties to be paid, by every person carrying on the fur trade, for each pelt or fur in his possession derived from an animal hunted in Québec, and determining the required documents which must accompany the pelts or furs of animals hunted outside Québec;
(o) determining in what cases the use of a vehicle or aircraft is prohibited in yards;
(p) determining the rent payable for the leases granted under Division XII of this act;
(q) establishing standards respecting the construction and repair of hunting or fishing outfitters’ establishments;
(r) prescribing standards for the protection and well-being of the public in hunting or fishing outfitting operations and determining in what manner the presence of the customers of such establishments is to be registered;
(s) prescribing standards for the possession of hunting implements at forest or mining operations;
(t) determining the conditions, places and periods where hunting activities with dogs are permitted;
(u) exempting, in such places as it may determine, any class of persons from the obligation of holding the licence contemplated in section 45;
(v) determining the manner in which every trap must be indicated and prohibiting the use of traps or classes of traps in the cases which it indicates;
(w) determining the safety standards for hunting or fishing.