15.4. A draft regional wetlands and bodies of water plan must be submitted to the Minister for approval, after consultation with the ministers responsible for municipal affairs, agriculture, wildlife, energy and natural resources.
Before approving a draft regional plan, the Minister must make sure that(1) the plan ensures consistent management of any watershed concerned, in particular by being complementary to any other regional plan concerning the watershed;
(2) the plan’s measures encourage achievement of no net loss of wetlands and bodies of water; and
(3) the plan’s measures take into account the issues related to climate change and, if applicable, are adapted accordingly.
The Minister may, before approving a draft plan, require the regional county municipality concerned to make any amendment to the plan that the Minister specifies in connection with the principles referred to in the second paragraph.
A regional plan takes effect on being approved or on any later date determined by the regional county municipality concerned.
A notice of the approval must be sent by the Minister to the government departments and bodies. The regional county municipalities concerned must in turn notify the local municipalities and the Native communities represented by their band council whose territory is covered, in whole or in part, by the approved plan.
2017, c. 142017, c. 14, s. 91.