33. The Société québécoise du cannabis may not operate a cannabis retail outlet near an educational institution providing preschool education services, elementary or secondary school instructional services, educational services in vocational training or educational services to adults in general education or near a college-level educational institution.
A cannabis retail outlet is considered to be near an educational institution if, from the boundaries of the grounds on which the institution is situated, the shortest route to the retail outlet by a public road, within the meaning of the third paragraph of section 66 of the Municipal Powers Act (chapter C-47.1), is less than 250 m or, in the territory of Ville de Montréal, less than 150 m. The Government may, by regulation, prescribe other standards relating to the location of cannabis retail outlets. Those standards may in particular relate to the minimal distance required between a cannabis retail outlet and other places frequented by minors or places frequented by vulnerable clienteles.
The first paragraph and the regulation made under the third paragraph apply subject to any municipal zoning by-law which, by express derogation, specifically authorizes the operation of a cannabis retail outlet.
2018, c. 192018, c. 19, s. 19; 2019, c. 212019, c. 21, s. 111.